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This innovative platform brings together all LandNet members to address climate challenges. It offers networking with an international community of forestry and agriculture practitioners, expert consultations from leading European institutions in the sector, and access to best practices for tackling drought, wildfires, desertification, and more! Enter the forum, choose your topic of interest, and start a discussion!
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Recent catastrophic and deadly wildfires highlight the importance of fostering a risk aware culture that helps communities understand the latent threat of large-scale wildfires, particularly as climate change and land management practices continue to increase vulnerability.
Prompts for Discussion:
During the first weekend of September 2023, a slow-moving storm system, officially known as an upper-level isolated depression (DANA), has affected Spain, causing heavy rains and floods. The storm, as seen in this image acquired by a Copernicus Sentinel-3 satellite on 3 September, caused two casualties in Huesca.
The Spanish Meteorological Agency (AEMET) issued a red alert for Madrid and Toledo, the highest of its three-tiered system. The Madrid City Council has urged residents of the capital to stay indoors as DANA creates a historic ‘exceptional and anomalous situation’.
The Copernicus Emergency Management System product portfolio includes two forecasting systems designed to support preparedness and emergency response for floods at European and global levels: the European Flood Awareness System (EFAS) and the Global Flood Awareness System (GloFAS). Further details are available here: https://www.copernicus.eu/es/node/28488
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