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The ResAlliance project presents 80 factsheets based on the four types of solutions to implement landscape resilience: governance, management practices, technology, and finance.

This collection of practical knowledge presents to you best practices, case studies, and relevant topics on landscape resilience, focusing particularly on the two pressing issues of climate change in the Mediterranean: wildfires and droughts.

On this page, you can browse through the factsheets, choose your area of interest, and access knowledge for landscape resilience!

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Enhancing the resilience of forest landscapes: a pilot experience through the active participation of the Oued Zeen village local community in Tunisia

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Innovative approaches for crop rotation and integration of legumes on a farm in Ghardimaou, North-West Tunisia

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The FireFlocks Project: Precribed Silvopasture for Wildfire Risk Management

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Traditional stone drop structures for water conservation

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Jessour of southern Tunisia: Agriculture in marginal areas and protection against erosion

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“How are we doing?” A tool to support decision-making in multi-stakeholder forums

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Enhancing Rainfed Production of Smallholder Agriculture by Managing Water Harvesting in Tunisia

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Prescribed burning for restoring habitat and boost local products in European dry heathland with abundant Erica scoparia

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Efficient wildfire prevention in Mediterranean environment: a study case

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BioClima: integrating public and private financing for natural capital conservation

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MediterRe3: Building Fire-Smart Landscapes in the Mediterranean region

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Integrated water services and nature-based solutions in the Brenta river watershed

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Zai technique for dryland rehabilitation

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TreesAdapt, a transformative partnership platform for adaptation

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Building multifunctional mosaic landscapes using vineyards for wildfire prevention

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Sentit: Recovering and enhancing the value of local agricultural products

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Integrated landscape approaches to reconcile competing land uses

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Resource Recovery and Reuse in Refugee Settlements in Ethiopia, Kenya and Uganda

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The Resifarms toolkit: a tool for promoting education to enhance ecosystem services and build resilient landscapes

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Integrated crop-livestock farming systems

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Forest Sharing: the platform for taking care of forests

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Silvoarable system in Puig-Reig (Barcelona): diversifying cereal production with valuable broadleaves

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GPS collars: remote monitoring of mountain grazing

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On-stream ponds for soil retention on burnt or degraded areas

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Traditional agroforestry systems as hotspots of agrobiodiversity: The case of oases in Tunisia

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The vital role of mobile pastoralism in the resilience of Mediterranean ecosystems

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Prescribed burning on the island of Chios, Greece: results from a two-year pilot project

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Lauricide-Bio biopesticide is a sustainable bioproduct in North Africa

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The FSC® Ecosystem Services Procedure

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Carob and fig trees as natural firebreaks and tools to combat soil degradation and erosion in Tunisia

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Forest Fire Risk: Mapping vulnerable areas in northeastern Algeria

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Conservation of Coastal Dunes with Juniperus spp. in Greece

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Innovative solutions in cork harvest operations: Mechanical cork debarking

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Controlling rat population with barn owl artificial nests

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Installation of hedgerows in areas prone to desertification using drought adapted deep rooted plants

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Public-people partnerships to sustain cork oak Tunisian forests: a new approach to investing in ecosystem restoration and improving local incomes

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The Tabias and Jessour in South-East Tunisia: Ancestral Hydro-Agricultural Systems in an Arid Environment

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Panasqueira Aggregated Forest Area pilot project

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Conversion of unproductive eucalyptus stands in Bragança, Portugal

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URPA: A beer that protects the Montagu’s harrier nests in Catalonia

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Building resilient beekeeping production to climate change in the Rodopi mountain range, northern Greece

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Certification of carbon farming in the EU – what it could mean for agroforestry?

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Building climate resilience in southeastern Spain through the 4 Returns Framework

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El Tribunal de les Aigües de València: Community-based water management

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The new generation MeFiTu: Mediterranean forests, fire, and you

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“Resilient Landscapes (RL)”, CIFOR-ICRAF’s private sector facing arm

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Protecting neighbourhoods from forest fires at zero cost for residents: Firewise communities in Tuscany

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Local Carbon Markets in Friuli Venezia Giulia and Veneto

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An agroforestry pilot site in the Jabbouleh semi-arid region of Lebanon

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Restoring Insubria ecological corridor in northern Italy

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Subsidizing fuel management in the Wildland-Urban Interface in the Barcelona province

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Wildfire Preparedness Day: Risk Awareness for Wildland Urban Interface Communities

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Remote animal tracking to boost shepherd productivity and landscape management

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Multifunctional management of peri-urban Aleppo pine forests in “Baix Llobregat” mountains (Barcelona)

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Reaping the benefits of agropastoralism: A case study of the Mandra system in Lemnos, Greece

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Eco-hydrological silviculture for climate change adaptation in Moianès county (Barcelona)

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Climate change adaptation measures in Mediterranean mid-mountains of NE Spain

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Associazione Fondiaria Valli delle Sorgenti

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Modernizing buried Jar Irrigation: Integrating advanced technologies for sustainable agriculture

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Reconnecting nature: restoring the Insubria ecological corridor in northern Italy

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Forest Horses: forest management and environmental awareness on a local scale 

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Balancing recreation and conservation: sustainable management of coastal dunes

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